уторак, 8. новембар 2016.

Kako da ubrzate učenje stranog jezika u 5 lakih koraka

- Da li spadate u one ljude koji znaju dosta reči i gramatičkih pravila engleskog, nemačkog, ruskog, ali ne umete to znanje baš najbolje da primenite u praksi?

- Da li želite da usavršite ili poboljšate svoje znanje, a ne znate kako na tome najefikasnije da poradite?

Citat velikog nemačkog pesnika lepo uobličava odgovor na ova dva pitanja:

"Nije dovoljno znati,

Moramo to i primeniti.

Nije dovoljno želeti,

Moramo na tome i raditi."

Johan Volfgang Gete

Naš jednostavni recept u 5 koraka pomoći će svima vama koji učite neki strani jezik, a želite svoje učenje da ubrzate i olakšate.

среда, 6. јул 2016.

Sofija u čarobnom dvorcu

Ovaj post namenjen je nastavnicima stranih jezika koji rade sa decom, ali isto tako i roditeljima koji žele da njihovi najmiliji rastu i razvijaju svoje male ganglije uz posebne, neponovljive bajke, čarobne dvorce i male prinčeve i princeze...



Naša škola stranih jezika specijalizovana je rad sa odraslima, ali povremeno imamo i sasvim male učenike koji nam donose svežinu i radost kakvom zrače samo deca.

субота, 12. септембар 2015.

Volite li Šuberta? Ili: kratak horor film na javi

Autor: Jelena Mitić

Ja sam učiteljica. Predajem engleski i ruski. Prema onome što piše u diplomi trebalo bi da kažem da sam profesor. Međutim, "učiteljica" tako nežno i meko miluje moje uši, da ipak više volim sebe da vidim i čujem u ovoj jednostavoj, milozvučnoj reči slovenskog porekla koja sasvim jasno opisuje ono čime se bavim.

Negde sam odavno pronašla ovaj simpatični slogan:
3 razloga da budete učiteljica: jun, juli, avgust

уторак, 8. април 2014.

Changing Roles

Can a woman nowadays be only a woman, or does she sometimes have to be a man too? And what about a man?

Earlier, a woman had a very simple role in society. She used to be a mother and a wife, supported by her husband, simply characterized as the weaker gender and that was all about the subject “woman”.

Fortunately, she's become stronger, she has more rights, she is treated differently. A modern woman is a mother, a wife, she has a career, she takes care of her parents, she is a family backbone. And, where is the man? He stands and watches her, stuck between “the old one” and “the new one” and doesn't know what to do. A man used to have a simple role too. He used to be a father, a husband, a family backbone. A career was reserved for him.

Suddenly, the roles have changed, emancipation has knocked on the door of Serbia, difficult economic crisis too, and the man becomes lost, asking himself what women really want and what his role is now. Both of them try to be a modern member of the modern society, a woman to behave in a modern way and a man to accept that. Who is happier? Are they happier at all then before?

It is good that women have more roles nowadays, but they really must be aware of the roles which the Mother Nature gave them. Women and men should be equal in many things but men should stay the stronger gender and everyone will know their role.

Do you know what I mean?

Tamara, Advanced level

понедељак, 7. април 2014.

Does Yeti Exist?

Sometimes I give my students tasks such as creating a poster on a particular subject. This is a fun and creative activity that brings joy to our lessons.

Here is one of them talking about a mysterious creature.

недеља, 6. април 2014.

Vuk sa ovcom nešto ima...

"Gospođo, objasnite svom sinu kako ide lanac ishrane!"

"Madam, please explain your son how the food chain works!"


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