петак, 20. септембар 2013.

A Hilarious Class

Nedavno smo se igrali na času, a igra se zvala "Don't say, draw!" (Ne reci, nego nacrtaj!)

Recently we played a game in class, and the game was called:

"Don't say, draw! 

Vežbali smo The Present Continuous Tense. Jedan po jedan đaci izvlače po 1 cedulju na kojoj je napisana rečenica u sadašnjem vremenu, ali ne smeju ništa da kažu naglas, već tu radnju moraju da nacrtaju na tabli. Ostali pogađaju. Bilo je smeha do suza :)

We practiced The Present Continuous Tense. One by one students take a piece of paper which contains a sentence in The Present Continuous Tense but they mustn't say anything out loud, they have to draw the action on the board. The others then guess. We laughed our heads off! :)

Na ovoj fotografiji tabla se vidi u krupnijem planu. Slika br. 10 glasi: She's teaching English. Možete li da pogodite ostale rečenice? (Nivo - Osnovni)

In this photo the board is larger. Picture No.10 says: She's teaching English. Can you guess the other sentences?
(Elementary Level)

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